
Since its inception in 1995, the faculty of the department has contributed immensely to the field of psychology. The Department of Psychology offers B.A. (Pass Course and Honours) at the Undergraduate level and M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes at the Postgraduate level. The Department also offers Career Oriented and Skill Development Course (COSD-Add On) in Guidance & Counselling at Certificate, Diploma and Advanced diploma levels.

The Department has a multidimensional image in terms of excellent research and teaching. The balance between pure and applied research has given the department a rare profile  Our programmes also offer students an unrivalled flexibility of inquiry across subject-areas of faculty-expertise which include Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology,  Psychometrics Neuropsychology, Psycho diagnostics and Assessment, Organizational Dynamics , Applied Psychology, Psychology of Social Behaviour , Personality, Perspectives in Mental Health , Therapeutics in Counselling,  Engineering Psychology, Business Psychology, Human Development, Environmental Psychology, etc.

Course curriculum has both academic as well as societal relevance and incorporates contemporary debates.  The students benefit from the close supervision of faculty-members as well as from exclusive departmental library, shared computer lab, smart class rooms and other teaching equipments to enhance teaching methodology.