Abnormal Psychology – II (Existing)

Paper Code: 
PSY 212
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To acquaint students with the concept of normality and abnormality.
  • To make students understand the nature and course of various abnormal conditions.
  • To impact knowledge and skills needed for Psychological assessment of different abnormal conditions.
Unit I: 
Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:

Clinical Picture and Etiology of,      Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Panic Disorder,     Phobic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Unit II: 
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders :

Clinical Picture and Etiology of  Conversion  Disorder, Somatic Symptom Disorder

Unit III: 
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders: Delusional Disorders :

Clinical Picture and Etiology of Schizophrenia and Brief Psychotic Disorder

Unit IV: 
Bipolar and Related Disorders :

Clinical Picture and Etiology of  Bipolar Disorder I; Bipolar Disorder II; Cyclothymia

Unit V: 
Therapeutic Techniques for Psychological Disorders
Essential Readings: 
  • Buss, A. H. (1999). Psychopathology. New.York:John Wiley.
  • Carson, R.C. Butcher, J.N. and Mineka.S. (1997). Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. NewYork:Harper Collins.
  • Comer,R.J.(2005). Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology .(5th ed).New York: Worth Publishers.
  • Davison, G.C., & Neale, J.M. (1990) .Abnormal Psychology. Holn Wiley.
  • Lamm, A. (1997). Introduction to Psychopathology, New York: Sage.
  • Oltmanns, T.F., & Emery, R.E. (2016). Abnormal Psychology. (8th ed). India: Pearson Education.
  • Sarason, I. G., & Sarason, B.R. (2013). Abnormal Psychology: The Problem Of Maladaptive Behavior. (11thEd.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.
  • Whitbourne, S.K., & Halgin, R.P. (2015). Abnormal Psychology. Mc Graw Hill Education.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
  • Adams, H.E., & Sutker, P.B. (1984). Comprehensive Handbook of Psychopathology. New York : Plenum Press.
  • Coles, E.M. (1982) Clinical Psychopathology : An Introduction. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,.
  • Kaplan, H.I., Saddock, B.J.,& Grebb. J.A. (1994). Kaplan, and Saddock Synopsis of Psychology. (7th Ed). ND: Waverly Press.
  • Schopler, E., & Reicher, R.J. (1983). Psychopathology and Child Development, London :Plenum Press.
  • Warner, J.N. (1976). Clinical Methods in Psychology. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Zuckerman, E.L. (1995). Clinicians thesaurus, (4th ed). New York : Guilford Press.
Academic Year: