This paper aims at developing an understanding of the processes of learning, memory and problem solving, creativity and reasoning and their various applications.
Major types of learning : Classical conditioning; Instrumental learning; Verbal learning; Human Performance; Theories: Hull, Tolman, Guthrie.
Memory :Sensory memory; Short-term memory; Long-term memory; Working Memory; Metamemory; Semantic and episodic memories; Eyewitness memory; Implicit and explicit memory; Models of semantic knowledge; The procedural – declarative distinction
Forgetting: Theories of forgetting; Mnemonics.
Creative process, creativity and functional fixity, Investment theory of creativity, Judging creativity, Introduction to Intelligence, Theories of intelligence, Neuro cognition and intelligence, Artificial intelligence.
Concept formation and categorization; Judgment and decision making; Logical reasoning : types and errors in reasoning processes; deductive and inductive hypothesis testing and conditional reasoning theories of thought processes.
Classification of problems; Problems space theory, Problems solving approaches; Means-end Heuristics, analogy approach and other strategies.
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