Individuals vs group; Social facilitation; Evaluative apprehension; conformity and group performance; Cohesiveness and performance; Group Polarization; Group problem solving; Minority influence : Social loafing. De individuation.
Social Psychological Models of Interpersonal Communication; Principles of persuasion; Resistance to persuasion; Impression Management; Attribution: theories of attribution; Prejudiced communication.
Aggression and social violence; Management and control of aggression. Prejudices: nature and power of prejudice. Social inequality, conformity, identity; The scape-goat theory; cognitive interventions : techniques that can help.
Altruism : internal and external factors that influence altruistic behavior; Interpersonal attraction.
Concept of peace and non violence; Conflicts in groups; Conflict resolution; Conflict management
Social Psychology of Action : Social psychology of environment, personal space and psychology of crowding. Social psychology in the court; Jurors as individual and jury as a group. The influence of judgment.