Dynamics of Interpersonal Behaviour

Paper Code: 
PSY 421
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To acquaint the students with the theoretical concepts in the field of social psychology.
  2. To make student aware of the various social problems and study their applied aspects.
Unit I: 
Social Structure and Behavior

Individuals vs group; Social facilitation; Evaluative apprehension; conformity and group performance; Cohesiveness and  performance; Group Polarization; Group problem solving; Minority influence : Social loafing. De individuation.

Unit II: 
Social Communication

 Social Psychological Models of Interpersonal Communication; Principles of persuasion; Resistance to persuasion; Impression Management; Attribution: theories of attribution; Prejudiced communication.

Unit III: 
Social Emotions

Aggression and social violence; Management and control of aggression. Prejudices: nature and power of prejudice. Social inequality, conformity, identity; The scape-goat theory; cognitive interventions : techniques that can help.
Altruism : internal and external factors that influence altruistic behavior; Interpersonal attraction.

Unit IV: 
Conflict, Conflict Management and Peace

Concept of peace and non violence; Conflicts in groups; Conflict resolution; Conflict management

Unit V: 
Social Psychology of Action

Social Psychology of Action : Social psychology of environment, personal space and psychology of crowding. Social psychology in the court; Jurors as individual and jury as a group. The influence of judgment.   

Essential Readings: 
  1. Brown, R. (2000), Group processes : Dynamics within and between groups. 2nd edition, Blackwell Publishers.
  2. Hastie, R. and Stasser, G. (2000). In Reis H.T. and Gudd C.H. (eds). Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology. Cambridge University.
  3. Higgins, E.T. and Kruglansk A.W. (1996) Social Psychology Handbook of Basic Principles. Guilford Press, New York. London.
  4. Mamson and Harvey (2002). Attribution in Close Relationships. Cambridge University Press.
  5. Myers, D. G (1996) Social Psychology, International Edition Fifth Edition.
  6. Aronson, E. Ellsworth, P., Calsmith, J.M. & Gonzales, M.H. (1990). Methods of Research in Social Psychology. NY : McGraw Hill.
  7. Farr, R.M. (1996). The Roots of Modern Social Psychology. Oxford : Blackwell.  
  1. Ruscher, J.B. (2001) Prejudiced Communication : A Social Psychological Perspective. New York : The Guilford Press.
  2. Semin, G.R. and Fiedler, K. (1996). Applied Social Psychology Sage Publications, Delhi.
  3. Vago, S. (1990) Social Change, New Jersey : Prentice Hall.
Academic Year: