Educational Psychology

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To develop an understanding of the dynamics of classroom learning and applying the psychology too enhance teaching-learning experience.


Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Educational Psychology


CO101: Demonstrate the knowledge of educational psychology.

CO102: Demonstrating an appreciation of various theoretical perspectives on cognition and learning in educational contexts.

CO103: Developing insights into the facilitators of learning such as intelligence, motivation, emotion, imagination, creativity and self-processes.

CO104: Understanding the meaning and processes of education at individual and social plains in the Indian context.

CO105: Applying the psychological principles towards making learning more effective.

CO106: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 

Aims of education in relation to relationship of self, society and education; Education and self-knowledge: Becoming a reflective practitioner; Brief introduction to problems of schooling in contemporary India; Transformative education for individual and social change. 

Unit II: 
Cognition and Learning:

An overview of the key theoretical approaches: Behaviorism, Individual-Constructivism, Social-constructivism, Social learning theory; Indian perspectives: Learning through deep contemplation and purified perception, learning through silence; Mindfulness in learning.

Unit III: 
Learning and Motivation

Critical reflection on the folk understanding of ‘intelligence’, ‘ability’ and ‘achievement’ in contemporary India; Motivation and developmental dynamics; Creativity and Imagination, Learning Styles, Cooperative Learning; Creating an emotionally secure classroom that encourages democracy, self-expression, and self-determination

Unit IV: 
Education in the Indian Context

Understanding the hidden curriculum of education; learner diversity and hidden discrimination;

Understanding educational stress and anxiety, bullying, parental and peer pressure; Education, consumerism and the market; Enhancing mental health and well-being of learners and teachers; Education and technology in contemporary India.

Unit V: 
Applying Psychology to teaching

Knowledge about educational psychology makes better teachers, Creating a positive environment for Learning; Teaching- Motivation; Perception of Self: Behavioural; Social Cognitive View of Motivation, Role of Self Perception in Motivation, Motivating students with technology; Classroom Management: Authoritarian, Permissive; Authoritative Approaches to classroom management, Preventing problems, Techniques for dealing with Behaviour problem

Essential Readings: 
  1. Badheka, G. (1997). Divaswapan. New Delhi, India: NBT.
  2. Bruner, J. (1996). The culture of education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Cornelissen, M., Misra G., & Varma, S. (2010). Foundations of Indian psychology (Vol. 2). New Delhi, India: Pearson.
  3. Huppes, N. (2001). Psychic education: A workbook. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Kapur, M. (2007). Learning from children what to teach them. New Delhi, India: Sage Publications.
  4. Krishnamurti, J. (1974). On education. Ojai, California: Krishnamurti Foundation Trust. National Council of Educational Research and Training. (2006). Position paper: National focus group on aims of education. In National Curriculum Framework 2005. New Delhi, India: NCERT.

Suggested Reading:

  1. Rogers, C. (1983). Freedom to learn in the 80s. USA: Charles R. Merrill Pub. Co.

  2. Thapan, M. (Ed.) (2014). Ethnographies of schooling in contemporary India. New Delhi, India: Sage         Pub.

  3.  Woolfolk, A., Misra, G., & Jha, A. (2012). Fundamentals of educational psychology. New Delhi, India:             Pearson Pub.

E Resources:


  2. Educational Psychology: A Century of Contributions: A Project of Division 15 (educational Psychology)
  3. Handbook of Psychology, Volume 4: Experimental Psychology


Academic Year: