The course will familiarize students with the basic psychological processes and the relating factors which influence them. It will also focus on some important application areas of Psychology
Introduction : Definition and Goals of Psychology, Approaches : Biological, Psychodynamic, Behaviourist, Cognitive. Methods : Experiment, Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Case History.
Biological bases of Behaviour : Genes and Behaviour, Nervous System : The Neuron, Central Nervous System and peripheral Nervous System
States of Mind : Nature of Consciousness, Change in Consciousness, Day Dreaming, Sleep and Dreaming.
Sensory – Perceptual Processes : Attentional Process : Selective and Sustained Attention, Perceptual Organization. Determinants of Perception; Form and Space Perception
Motivation and Emotion : Biogenic and Sociogenic Motives. Intrinsic – Extrinsic Frame Work : Need Hierarchy Model; Techniques of assessment of motivation; Emotions : Physiological correlates of emotions, theories of emotion