The course will familiarize students with the basic psychological processes and the relating factors which influence them. It will also focus on some important application areas of Psychology.
Definition and Goals of Psychology; Approaches - Biological, Psychodynamic, Behaviourist, Cognitive; Methods - Experiment, Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Case History
Genes and Behaviour; Nervous System - The Neuron, Central Nervous System and peripheral Nervous System
Nature of Consciousness, Change in Consciousness, Day Dreaming, Sleep and Dreaming.
Attentional Process - Selective and Sustained Attention; Perceptual Organization; Determinants of Perception; Form and Space Perception
Biogenic and Sociogenic Motives. Intrinsic – Extrinsic Frame Work - Need Hierarchy Model; Techniques of assessment of motivation; Emotions - Physiological correlates of emotions; theories of emotion