The course will familiarize students with the basic Psychological Process and the studies relating to the factors which influence them. It will also focus on some important application areas of Psychology.
Classical and Operant Conditioning, Basic Process - Extinction, Spontaneous Recovery, Generalization and Discrimination; Reinforcement Schedules; Verbal Learning; Observational Learning
Encoding; Storage and Retrieval Processes; Sensory, Short term and Long Term Memories; Forgetting - Decay, Interference, Retrieval Failure, Motivated Forgetting
Trait and Type Approaches; Biological and Socio-Culture Determinants; Techniques of Assessment - Psychometric and Projective.
Definition; Theories - Guilford, Thurstone, Spearman; Determinants
Thinking Process - Concepts, Categories and Cognitive Maps; Inductive and Deductive Reasoning. Problem Solving Approaches; Mental Sets