This course aims at providing conceptual foundation of human development. It focuses on development in the life span in different domains with an emphasis on the cultural context
Development of Self concept, Self-Esteem: The Evaluative Component of Self, Development of Achievement Motivation and Academic Self-Concepts, Identity Formation
Nature and Approaches; Piaget, Vyogotsky, Information-Processing Perspective, Language: Structure of language, theories of language development
Development of aggression, Development of Prosocial Self, Development of Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral Components of Morality
Emotional Development: The Development of Emotional, Expressions, Recognizing and Interpreting Emotions; Temperament and Development: Hereditary and Environmental Influences on Temperament, Stability of Temperament; Attachment and Development: Attachments as Reciprocal Relationships, Fathers as Caregivers, Factors That Influence Attachment Security, Attachment and Later Development
Physical, Cognitive and Psychological development in late adulthood; Problems of ageing; Successful ageing