
Paper Code: 
CON 333
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Explain the importance of Career Testing as it helps an individual to understand why they do well or poorly in certain subjects. Also it can suggest new career options not previously considered and change or raise educational and career aspirations.
  2. Understand the importance of Record Maintenance which includes Log Book Entry, Individual Record Maintenance, Appointment Register and Report Making.
  3. Evaluate of Psychometric Tests which covers different characteristics of an individual based on their Interests, Personality and Aptitude which helps them to
  4. choose their right Career Options and Fields.
  5. Applying Psychometric Testing for Career Assessment through Hands-on sessions on students to maximize understanding of how testing is conducted in Educational Settings.

Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcome (at course level)

The students will be able to –

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

CON 333


CO1: Explain the importance of Career Testing as it helps an individual to understand why they do well or poorly in certain subjects. Also it can suggest new career options not previously considered and change or raise educational and career aspirations.

CO2: Understand the importance of Record Maintenance which includes Log Book Entry, Individual Record Maintenance, Appointment Register and Report Making.

CO3: Evaluate of Psychometric Tests which covers different characteristics of an individual based on their Interests, Personality and Aptitude which helps them to choose their right Career Options and Fields.

CO4: Applying Psychometric Testing for Career Assessment through Hands-on sessions on students to maximize understanding of how testing is conducted in Educational Settings.


Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration, Action Research, Project, Field Trip


Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Presentation, Giving tasks

Observation, Presentation, Report writing


Students are required to prepare and submit a report based on Internship.




Academic Year: