Major Applications of Psychology-I (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to explore the application of psychological principles in various fields such as healthcare, education, business, and law.Understand how psychological research informs practices and policies in real-world settings and develop skills to apply psychological theories to solve practical problems in diverse professional environments.


Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes


Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code





Major Applications of Psychology-I                                                                                          (Theory)



CO109: Demonstrate the ability to choose appropriate research design, the research methods and develop advanced critical thinking skills.

CO110: Appraise the scientific basis behind the principles of educational psychology and invent the evidence-based application of technology in teaching & learning

CO111: Acquire knowledge about the dynamics of sports life and enhance the performance by applying psychological remedies.

CO112: Develop strategic workforce planning, integrating performance management techniques to align with organizational goals, forecast workforce needs, and implement effective talent inventory strategies..

CO113: Demonstrate the ability to articulate independently and creatively about human Social Behavior and the cultural influences that affect our behavior

C114 : Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Reading assignments


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems,Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Research Methods

Designing impactful research: Choosing among possible research designs, Use more than one design, Use single-case and between-groups designs, Common research problems and their solutions


Unit II: 
Applying Psychology to teaching

Knowledge about educational psychology makes better teachers, Creating a positive environment for Learning & Teaching- Motivation & Perception of Self: Behavioural & Social Cognitive View of Motivation, Role of Self Perception in Motivation, Motivating students with technology; Classroom Management: Authoritarian, Permissive & Authoritative Approaches to classroom management, Preventing problems, Techniques for dealing with Behaviour problem


Unit III: 
Sports Psychology

Sports & Exercise Defined; Effects of Attention, Emotion and Mood on Performance; Psychological Skills Training, Ethics in Sport Psychology

Unit IV: 
Human Resource Management

Performance management, Strategic Workforce Planning: workforce planning: levels of planning, the strategic planning process, talent inventory, forecasting workforce supply and demand, workforce demand, control and evaluation


Unit V: 
Behavioural Economics

Introduction, Prospect theory: loss aversion, finders keepers, the value function, the fourfold way; Paradoxes: The Ellsberg paradox, mental accounting, preference reversal, primed, The choice architects, Man versus machine, fake news.

Essential Readings: 

Essential Readings


  • Brough, P. (2019). Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology: Design, Analysis and Reporting. (1st Ed.), Routledge: New York.
  • Orrell, D. (2021). Behavioural Economics: Psychology, neuroscience, and the human side of Economics. Hotscience series. Icon Books Ltd.: London.
  • Rothmann. I. & Cooper, C., (2008). Organizational & Work Psychology: Topics in Applied Psychology. Hodder Education: London
  • Snowman, J., Biehler, R. and Mccown R. (2012). Psychology Applied to Teaching. (13th Ed.), Wadsworth, Cengage Learning: USA
  • Steg, L., Buunk, P.A., and Rothengatter, T. (2008). Applied Social Psychology: Understanding & Managing Social Problems. Cambridge University Press: New York


Suggested Readings

  • Galliher, John H. (1989). Criminology-Human Rights, Criminal Law and Crime. US: Prentice Hall Inc.
  • Geron, E. (Ed) (1985). Handbook of Sports Psychology. Vol. I aviv. Wingate Institute.
  • Jospe, Micheal; Nieberding Joseph; Cohon, Barry d. (1980). Psychological Factors in Health Care. Toronto: Lexington Books.
  • Shanmugam. T.E. (1987). Community Psychology. Madras: Utsav Publishers.



  • Adaptation-in-natural-and-artificial-systems-an-introductory-analysis-with-applications-to-biology-control-and-artificial-intelligence-a-bradford-book-e156654723.html
  • Out-of-the-shadows-understanding-sexual-addiction-e115073309.html
  • Boundaries-when-to-say-yes-how-to-say-no-to-take-control-of-your-life-e60363043.html




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