To help students to understand neuropsychology of human behavior.
To develop understanding about the linkage between cognition and neuropsychology.
Course Outcomes:
CO15: To understand the fundamental physiological processes, historical development and scientific methods underlying human behaviour.
CO16: To have awareness about the role of biological factors in emotion.
CO17: To understand the fundamental physiological processes underlying human behaviour like attention, memory and sensory-perceptual processes.
CO18: To apply knowledge of basic physiological phenomenon to daily events involving attending to stimuli, memorizing, etc
Unit I:
Introduction to Neuropsychology
Definition; History and Scope; Methods
Unit II:
Structure and Functions - Neurons, CNS, PNS and Neurotransmitters
Unit III:
Neuropsychology of Attention
Sub cortical Structure Influencing Attention; Cerebral Cortex and Attention; Disorders of Attention
Unit IV:
Neuropsychology of Sensory and Perceptual Processes:
: Sensory and Perceptual Processes - Visual, Auditory, Chemical & Somatosensory; Neuropsychology of Motor Skills; Disorders of Sensory and Perceptual Processes
Unit V:
Neuropsychology of Memory
Neuropsychological Basis of LTM, STM and Working Memory; Disorders of Memory
Essential Readings:
Best, J.B. (1995). Cognitive Psychology. MN : West Publishing Co.
Carlson, N. (1999). Physiology of Behavior. Boston : Allyn and Bacon.