Organizational Behaviour

Paper Code: 
PSY144 (B)
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Unit I: 
Positive Organizational Behaviour

Positive psychology; Optimism – Dimensions, optimism in the work place, happiness/ subjective well being; Emotional Intelligence- Meaning, EQ at work; Self-efficacy – Process, impact, sources and implications of self efficacy.

Unit II: 
Dynamics of Organizational Behaviour

Communication: Background of the role of communication, Nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, Downward communication,    upward    communication,    interactive communication in organizations

Unit III: 
Motivation and Job Satisfaction

The meaning of motivation; motivation approaches - the content theories of work motivation, the process theories of work motivation, contemporary theories of work motivation; Job Satisfaction - Measuring job satisfaction, Job facet satisfaction, Motivation, Job Satisfaction and pay - Perceived pay equity, Merit pay, Wage-incentive pay systems.

Unit IV: 

Approaches to Leadership-Scientific Management, The Human Relations Approach, Theory X and Y and Z; Theories of Leadership - Contingency theory, Cognitive Resource Theory, Path- goal Theory, Normative Decision Theory, The Leader –Member Exchange; Styles of Leadership - Authoritarian and Democratic Leaders, Transactional and Transformational Leaders; The Role of Power in Leadership - Types of power, Effects and uses of power; The Role of Expectations - The Pygmalion Effect; The Functions of Leadership.

Unit V: 
Stress in the workplace

Physiological effects; individual differences in stress response; causes; effects; treating stress in the workplace.

Essential Readings: 
  • Luthans F (2005) Organizational Behavior. (11th Ed) Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
  • Steven, I. McShane Marayann. Von Glinow (2003) Organizational Behavior 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  • Pareek, U. (2004) Understanding Organizational Behavior. Oxford University Press. New Delhi.
  • Robbins   S.P.  (2005),  Organizational    Behavior:               Concepts,       Controversies    and Applications (11th Ed.) Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
  • Aadmot, M.G. (2000) Applied Industrial Organizational Psychology (3rd & 4th Ed.) Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
  • Anderson, Neil Simangil, The Visweswaran C. (2002) Handbook of Industrial Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.-2 Organizational Psychology, New Sage, Publications, New Delhi.
  • Brooks (1999) Organizational Behavior Individuals, Group and the Organization Financial Times, London.
  • Carrel, Micheal R : Jennings, Daniel, F & Heaurin, Christina (1997) Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall International , Inc. New Dehli.
  • Greenberg, J Baron, R.A. (1997) Behavior in Organizations : Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work. (6th Ed.), Prentice Hall International New Delhi.
  • Hellriegel, D.L. and Slocum, J.W. (2004) Organizational Behavior (10th Ed) South Western/Thomson Learning.
  • Landy, F.J. and Conte, J.M. (2001). Work in the 21st Century. An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (International Ed.) New York : McGraw Hill.
  • Mamoria, C.B. (2002) Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Moorhead G and Griffin R. (1999) Organizational Behavior : Managing People and Organizations (5th Ed) AITBs Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Nelson, D.B. and Quick J.C. (2005) Understanding Organizational Behavior (2nd Edition) South Western Thomson Learning.
  • Organ D.W., Podsakoff, P.M. and Mackenzie, S.B. (2005) Organizational Citizenship Behavior : Its Nature, Antecedents and Consequences. Sage Publications New Delhi.
  • Pestonjee, D.M. (1999) Stress and Coping : The Indian Experience. 2nd Edition. Sage Publication New Delhi.
  • Sayeed, O.B. (2001) Organizational Commitment and Conflict. Sage Publications, New Delhi.
  • Sayeed, O.B. and Pareek (2000) Actualizing Managerial Roles: Studies in Role Efficiency. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
  • Shani, A.R. Lau, J.B. (2000). Behavior in Organizations: An Experimental Approach (8th Ed.) McGraw Hill, New York.
  • Singh, D (2003) Emotional Intelligence at Work: A Professional Guide Response Book : New Delhi.


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