Positive Psychology

Paper Code: 
PSY144 (A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
Unit I: 
Introductory and Historical Overview and Positive Psychology

Definition, Assumptions, goals, relationships with other branches of psychology; Positive Prevention; positive therapy.

Unit II: 
Emotion Focused Approaches

Subjective well-being: Happiness, Positive Emotions, life satisfaction Resilience: Perspectives, Sources, Growth through trauma Emotional Intelligence – History of concept, current model of EQ, Measuring EQ, Interventions to improve EQ.

Unit III: 
Cognitive – Focused Approaches

Optimism: Expectancy Value Models of Motivation; optimism and subjective well being; optimism, pessimism and coping, hope theory, optimistic Explanatory style.

Creativity: History, measurement approaches, theoretical issues, practical applications.

Problems solving appraisal: History of applied problem solving, measuring problem solving appraisal, issues related to problem solving appraisal, Problem Solving Training intervention

Personal goals as windows to well being : Definition, goals and related motivational concepts, measuring personal goals, personal goals and well being, materialism and its discontents.

Unit IV: 
Self based Approaches

Self regulations and self control : Introduction, theories – control theory, self discrepancy theory, personal goals and self –regulation, everyday explanations for self control failure, Good disengagement.

Reality Negotiation – definition, individual differences in reality negotiations, types of reality negotiation strategies, reality negotiations as coping, reality negotiations and social support, reality negotiations and professional accountability.

Authenticity – History, development, emergence of an interest in authenticity during adolescence, developmental precursors ofauthenticity, correlations and consequences  of  authenticity, authenticity and adult relationship.

Unit V: 
Interpersonal Approaches

Relationship connection : Role of minding in enhancement of connection, minding model, mending theory, (adaptive and non adaptive steps).

Psychology of forgiveness : Definition, measures of forgiveness, studies on forgiveness, mental health and well being, interventions to develop forgiveness.

Empathy and altruism – Empathic emotions and altruism, Empathy hypothesis, other sources of altruistic motivation, collectivism and principalism as prosocial motives, theoretical implications of Empathy – Altruism relationship.

Essential Readings: 
  • Snyder, J.L. Shane (2005). Handbook of Positive Psychology, Oxford University Press.
  • R.B. Steve, M.K. Gothers (2002). Positive Psychology, New Delhi: Person Education.
  • Seligman, M., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000) : Positive Psychology: An Introduction. American Psychologists.


Academic Year: