To understand the concepts, nature and principles of organizational behavior.
The Challenges Facing Management Today; Introduction to Organizational Behavior; Cognitive Framework; Behavior Framework; Social Learning Framework And Organizational Behavior Framework, History of Organizational Behavior
Classical, Modern Theory, Theory X, Y, Z
Definition, Uniformity, Types, Creating and Maintaining a Culture, Changing Organizational Culture, Organization Climate
Model, Functions, Channels, Communication Fundamentals - Direction of Communication, Formal v/s Informal Network, Non-Verbal Communication, Barriers to Effective Communication, Key Communication Skills - Active Listening and Feedback; Effective Communication Management
Nature of Decision Making, Behavioral Decision-Making - Decision Rationality, Models; Decision Making Techniques - Traditional Participative Technique and Modern Participative Technique
Ø Luthans F (2005) Organizational Behavior. (11th Ed) Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
Ø Steven, I. McShane Marayann. Von Glinow (2003) Organizational Behavior 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Ø Pareek, U. (2004) Understanding Organizational Behavior. Oxford University Press. New Delhi.
Ø Robbins S.P. (2005), Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies and Applications (11th Ed.) Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.