To acquaint students with the theoretical concepts in the field of social psychology.
Growth of Social Psychology as a Modern Discipline; Tradition of Social Psychology - Psychological, Sociological, Societal and Applied; Culture and Social Psychology - Relationship with Other Social Sciences
Cognitive Dissonance, Social Comparison, Reactance, Social Identity; Field; Psycho-Dynamic; Social Constructionism; Social Representation; Sociobiology
Social Cognition; Schemes and Prototypes, Heuristics; Potential Errors in Cognitions; Self Concept; Perceived Self Control, Self Efficacy; Locus of Control; Learned Helplessness; Resilience; Self-Serving Bias, Self-Identity, Gender Identity and Stereotypes Based on Gender Sex-Typing
Social Motivation; Prosocial Behavior; Attitudes - Specificity, Strength, Accessibility and Other Factors, Formation, Change - Factors, Theories
Classical and Behavioral Approaches to Leadership; Contingency Theories of Leadership; Transformational Leadership; Leadership Effectiveness in Indian Context