Research Methods – II (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop comprehensive skills in conducting and reporting both qualitative and quantitative research, emphasizing various modes of observation, research design, ethical considerations, and adherence to APA guidelines for scientific writing.



Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Research Methods – II



CO63: Analyse various modes of observation, ensuring a versatile approach to psychological research.

CO64: design qualitative research studies, encompassing interpretive methods, phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, and narrative inquiry, tailored to investigate complex psychological issues.

CO65: Demonstrate the ability to perform quantitative data analysis and understand the process of qualitative research implementing experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research strategies

CO66: Write comprehensive research reports and proposals, following APA guidelines for style, format, and ethical considerations, preparing them for academic publication and professional dissemination.

CO67: Appraise ethical concerns throughout the research process with a focus on ethical issues involving human participants, guided by APA standards

CO68: Contribute effectively in course-specific interactions.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion,

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, application based questions, Seminar presentation

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation



Unit I: 
Modes of Observation

Experiments, Survey Research, Qualitative Field Research, Case Study, Unobtrusive Research, Interview, Evaluative Research, Participatory Action Research


Unit II: 
Introduction to Qualitative Research

The nature of qualitative research; types of qualitative research: Interpretive, Phenomenology, Ethnography, Grounded theory, Narrative Inquiry, Qualitative Action Research, Mixed Methods; The design of a Qualitative Study: Research problem, research question and sample selection


Unit III: 
Introduction to Quantitative Research

Introduction; Quantification of data; Research Strategies: Experimental Research strategy, Quasi-experimental research strategy, non-experimental research strategy; internal and external validity


Unit IV: 
Writing a Research Report

Goal of a research report; General APA Guidelines for writing style and format; Elements of an APA style report; Submitting a manuscript for publication; Writing a research proposal


Unit V: 
Ethics in Research

Ethical concerns throughout the research process; Ethical issues and human participants in research-APA guidelines

Essential Readings: 
  • Babbie, E. (2004). The Practice of Social Research (10th Ed.). Singapore: Thomson Asia Publications.
  • Bryman, A. (2004). Quantity and Quality in Social Research. Routledge.
  • Elmes, D. G., Kantowitz, B.H & Roediger, H. L. (2006). Research Methods in Psychology (8th Ed.). Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth Publications.
  • Gravetter, F. J. & Forzano, L.B. (2006). Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences (2nd Ed.). United States of America: Graphic World Publishing Services.
  • Kerlinger, F. N. & Lee, H.B. (2000). Foundation of Behavioural Research (4th Ed.). Orlando: Harcourt College Publishers.
  • Shaughnessy, J.J. & Zechmeister, E.B. (1985). Research Methods in Psychology (4th Ed.). United States of America: The McGraw-Hill Companies.


Suggested Readings

  • Alderson, C. J., Alderson, J. C., Clapham, C., Wall, D., & Swan, M. (1995). Language test construction and evaluation. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Embretson, S. E. (Ed.). (2013). Test design: Developments in psychology and psychometrics. Academic Press. 
  • Murphy, K.R, & Davidshofer, C.O. (1994). Psychological Testing. Principles and Applications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 
  • Nunnally, J.C. (1967). Psychometric Theory. New York: McGraw Hill Publication. 






Academic Year: