Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to: CO11: Develop a basic understanding of qualitative and quantitative research and comprehending various paradigms of inquiry to apply in basic research. CO12: Recognize and appraise the elements of research and determine the importance of sampling. CO13: Understanding the distinctive features of an experimental design and its application in research. CO14: Inferring various non-experimental and quasi-experimental strategies with their strengths and limitations. CO15: Demonstrating an understanding of factorial and correlational research strategies and their use in psychological research. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects |
Dialectics of Psychological Research: Idiographic vs Nomothetic Explanation, Inductive vs Deductive Theory, Qualitative vs Quantitative Research, Pure vs Applied Research; Ethics of Research; The Research Process; Identifying and Formulating Research questions
Reviewing the literature: Narrative review, Systematic review, Searching the existing literature; Hypothesis formulation: Characteristics of a good hypothesis; Sampling: Population and Samples, Sample size, Probability Sampling Methods, Non-probability Sampling Methods
Cause and effect relationship; Elements of an experiment; Experimental Design (Between Subjects Design): Characteristics of Design; Advantages and Disadvantages of Between-Subjects Design; Individual differences and other confounding variables; Limiting confounding by Individual differences; Threats to Internal validity of Between-Subjects design; Experimental Design (Within Subjects Design): Characteristics of Design; Advantages and Disadvantages of Within-Subjects Design; Threats to Internal validity of Within-Subjects design; Dealing with time-related threats and order effects; Applications of Between-subjects and Within-subjects designs
Structure of non-experimental and quasi-experimental designs; Between subjects: Non-experimental design with non-equivalent groups; Quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups; Threats to Internal Validity for Non-equivalent group designs; Within subjects: Non-experimental pre-post design; Quasi-experimental pre-post design; Threats to Internal Validity for pre-post designs
Introduction to factorial design; Main effects; Interaction between factors; Interpreting main effects and interactions; Types of Factorial designs: Between subjects and within subject design; Experimental and Non-experimental designs; Pre-test – Post-test Control group design;
Correlational Designs: Evaluating relationships for Numerical scores and Ranks; Interpreting and Statistically evaluating a correlation; Strengths and Weaknesses of Correlational Strategy
Suggested Readings