
Paper Code: 
CON 233
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives (COs):

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understanding the meaning and processes of case formulation, counseling skills, ethics, and psychological testing.
  2. Developing insights into the facilitators of learning such as intelligence, emotion, imagination, creativity and self processes.
  3. Analyzing  various theoretical perspectives on various mental disorders and alcohol and drug abuse.
  4. Application of theoretical understanding of counseling and guidance techniques in history taking skills and counseling through mock counseling sessions.

Course Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcome (at course level)

The students will be able to –

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

CON 233


CO1: Understanding the meaning and processes of case formulation, counseling skills, ethics, and psychological testing.

CO2: Developing insights into the facilitators of learning such as intelligence, emotion, imagination, creativity and self processes.

CO3: Analyzing  various theoretical perspectives on various mental disorders and alcohol and drug abuse.

CO4: Application of theoretical understanding of counseling and guidance techniques in history taking skills and counseling through mock counseling sessions.


Approach in teaching:

Discussion, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Presentation, Giving tasks

Observation, Presentation, Report writing, Research

Seminar and Case Presentation based on Case Formulation, Psychological Testing and Mock Counselling Sessions


Academic Year: