1. To enable students to appreciate how individual behavior is influenced by social and cultural contexts.
2. To enable students to develop an understanding of functioning of dyads, groups and organization.
3. To understand the unique features of the Indian socio-cultural context.
4. To understand how social problems can be analyzed in terms of various social psychological theories
Introduction – Nature, goal and scope of social psychology; Social psychology and other social sciences; Approaches to social Psychology: Biological, Learning, Cognitive, Psychoanalytic and role theory.
Methods of Social Psychology : Experimental Cross-cultural, Sociometry.
Social Perception : Perceiving ourselves : self –concept : Self-esteem, Self-expression, perceiving others; Forming impressions : Role of non-verbal cues; group stereotypes and central traits.
Interpersonal Attraction : Determinants; Theories of attraction : Heider and Festinger.
Attitude : Nature and function of attitudes; Formation, change and measurement of attitudes, Theories of attitude change.