'Mann ki Baat ': Awareness Programme on World Suicide Prevention Day

Start Date: 
Monday, 11 September 2023
Start Time: 
10:30 am
Ojas Hall - Group Discussion Aaditya Hall - Open Mic

The event “maan ki baat”- group discussion was held on 11th September by the department of psychology in Ojas hall from 10:30am to 1:00pm. The purpose of this event was to observe Suicide Prevention Day. The goal was to unite people for the awareness program and provide a psychologically safe platform where they could articulate their emotions well. It was an event in psychological welfare of the students. Group discussion was held, participants sat in groups along with the facilitator. They were asked to pick out a chit from a bowl which had different topics such as social awkwardness, dealing with emotions and expectations. The time for the same was 20 minutes and everyone was asked to share their experience regarding the same. Participants were made aware that everything is to be kept strictly confidential.

Gradually participants got comfortable and started sharing their own personal experiences and stories with the group. The session was concluded with a wrap up activity where everyone was given a piece of paper and they were asked to write anything they wanted to get out of their mind and then crumble the paper. It was a successful event as people were able to connect with each other and felt that they were not alone when it comes to social awkwardness and anxiety.  It was something new which students didn’t experienced before. Everyone observed the suicide prevention day on the note that they were able to analyses and regulate their own emotions on a humanitarian unity

The Aditya Hall was filled with an atmosphere of anticipation and support as students and faculty members gathered to participate in or witness the performances. The event started with a heartfelt introduction by the organizers, emphasizing the significance of mental health awareness and the importance of suicide prevention in our society.

The open mic session began with a series of soul-stirring musical performances. Students showcased their vocal talents by singing songs that carried powerful messages of hope, resilience, and the importance of seeking help during difficult times. Following the musical segment, several individuals stepped up to share personal stories and experiences related to mental health and suicide prevention. The stories ranged from tales of personal struggles and triumphs to anecdotes of supporting loved ones who had faced mental health challenges. These narratives were a poignant reminder of the impact that open dialogue and empathy can have on individuals dealing with mental health issues.

The event also featured a segment dedicated to poetry. Students recited original compositions and selected works from renowned poets, all centered around themes of resilience, self-care, and the significance of seeking help. The power of spoken word poetry captivated the audience, fostering an environment of empathy, understanding, and reflection.

To further emphasize the importance of Suicide Prevention the students highlighted the college's existing support systems, such as counseling services, peer support groups, and helplines, to ensure that students and staff were aware of the available resources.Throughout the event, the audience actively engaged with the participants.