Chart/Poster competition-New paradighms in psychology

In order to encourage better understanding and creative expression of subject knowledge, Department of Psychology at the IIS University organized a Poster Exhibition cum competition ‘Reflections 2018: New paradigms in psychology’ on 9 th October 2018 in Srijan Hall. The competition was open to students from honours and post graduate. A total of 205 vibrant posters were displayed which kept visitors mesmerized and engaged throughout the day.
The posters covered various themes like dream interpretation, Alcoholics Diary, Facets of personality, pop Psychology, doodling behavior, defence mechanisms, self scilencing, mindfulness, personality theories, organizarional behaviour, enclothed cognition etc. The judges appreciated the hard work and creativity of the students. The students with best three posters and model were awarded certificates. Where Rajshree Rathore of MA Previous won first pize .The exhibition was a tremendous success as it saw huge participation and visit by the Deans and faculty from other departments.