The Perspective of Clinical Psychology: The clinical attitude; The problem of individuality; Variables, individual differences and persons; Persons and types; Persons and environments; Persons and social systems.
Concepts of Normality and Pathology: Psychopathology in historical perspective; The medical model of mental illness; A concept of psychological health and abnormality; Toward a unitary concept of mental health and mental illness.
Biological perspective; The psycho dynamic perspective; Behavioural perspective; Cognitive perspective; The Humanistic-Existential; The Community-Cultural perspective, Models of mental health intervention
Classification - Categories of Maladaptive Behaviour: Vulnerability, Resilience, and Coping; The multiaxial approach; DSM-IV-TR; Major Diagnostic categories; Evaluation of the DSM multiaxial approach; Research on Classification
Nature and Purpose of Clinical Assessment: Introduction to Clinical Assessment; Variables and techniques; Stages in the assessment process; Outline for a case study;
The Interview : The Interview in clinical practice; Kinds of interviews; Arrangements for the interview; Stages in the initial interview; Communication and language; Reliability and validity of clinical interviews
Psychological Testing: Tests use by Clinicians; Intelligence Test (WAIS, Binet Tests, Bhatia’s Battery); Nueropsychological Tests (Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test); Personality Assessment (MMPI, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, NEO- PI-R); Projective techniques (Rorschach Inkblot Test, TAT, Word Association Test, Sentence Completion Test); BehaviouralAssessment; Cognitive Assessment; Relation Assessment; Bodily Assessment.
From Psychological Data to Clinical Decision- The Role of interpretation; The psychometric and clinical traditions in assessment; Statistical methods in clinical decision-making; Clinical versus Statistical prediction; the process of interpretation; Communicating Assessment findings-The Psychological Report