The Center for Women Studies and Discipline of Psychology at IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur, organized a two- day online workshop on Feminist Research Methodologies for young researchers and academicians from the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The resource person for this workshop was Dr Sadhna Natu, Associate Professor and Head, Dept. of Psychology, Modern College, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
At the outset, Dr. Ashok Gupta, Hon. Chancellor, IIS (deemed to be University), Jaipur, welcomed the participants and then Prof. Dr. Roopa Mathur, Director, Centre for Women Studies, was invited for the opening remarks.
Day one was specifically designed and planned with an objective to acquaint the participants with the need and significance of Feminist Research and its emerging implications and active engagement, as a critical theory across various disciplines, in the contemporary times. As discussed by Dr. Natu, feminist research is guided by feminist theory and could be transdisciplinary which contributes to create a social change , bring about the welfare of women and contribute to knowledge. She also discussed about feminist ethics in research and epistemology. The session was indeed interactive and informative and at the end of the session, few questions from the young researchers were taken up by the resource person. The number of beneficiaries on Day 1 was 81. The session was moderated by Dr. Megha Arya, Assistant Professor from the Discipline of Psychology, with a closing remark by Dr. Himangini Rathore.
The content of day 2 was centred around the application aspects of feminist research ideologies among various disciplines. Dr. Natu began the session with answering the questions asked by the participants. The session emphasized on the basics to be kept in mind while starting with a feminist research and how to frame the topic and problem statement including an insight about mixed research methods. She also talked about research writing methods and relevance of topicality along with a keen focus on qualitative research and its various determinants. The workshop came to end with an open interaction which proved to be very informative. The number of beneficiaries on Day 1 was 73. The workshop ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Vandana. The workshop enabled the participants to acquire a better understanding of the critical tools to include feminist methodologies into their research with a deeper insight into the conceptual framework.