This paper aims at developing an understanding of the processes of learning, memory and problem solving, creativity and reasoning and their various applications.
Major types of learning : Classical conditioning; Instrumental learning; Verbal learning; Human Performance; Theories: Hull, Tolman, Guthrie.
Memory: Sensory memory; Short-term memory; Long-term memory; Working Memory; Metamemory; Semantic and episodic memories; Eyewitness memory; Implicit and explicit memory; Models of semantic knowledge; The procedural – declarative distinction
Forgetting: Theories of forgetting; Mnemonics.
Creative process, creativity and functional fixity, Investment theory of creativity, Judging creativity, Problems of definition of intelligence, Cognitive theories of intelligence, Neuro cognition and intelligence, Artificial intelligence.
Concept formation and categorization; Judgment and decision making; Logical reasoning : types and errors in reasoning processes; deductive and inductive hypothesis testing and conditional reasoning theories of thought processes.
Classification of problems; Problems space theory, Problems solving approaches; Means-end Heuristics, analogy approach and other strategies.