Therapeutics in Counselling

Paper Code: 
PSY 325(Group B)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To familiarize students with the theoretical standpoints in therapeutic intervention.
  2. To train them in skills of therapy.
Unit I: 
The Therapeutic Relationship

The process of helping; counsellor characteristics and values, professional issues and skills (listening, reflecting, summarizing, confronting, interpreting and informing).  Issues faced by the therapist : Dealing with anxiety, disclosing oneself, avoiding perfectionism, being honest with client, understanding silence, dealing with demanding and uncommunicative clients, accepts slow results, learning our limits, avoiding losing oneself in our clients, establishing realistic goals.

Unit II: 
Psychodynamic Approach to Counselling

Freudian, Neo-Freudian.

Unit III: 
Behavioral and Cognitive Approach Operant Conditioning

Behaviour Modification, Social skills training, Rational Emotive Therapy, Transactional Analysis.

Unit IV: 
Humanistic and Existential Approach

Client centered, Logotherapy.

Unit V: 
Indian Perspective

Yoga,  Meditation.

Essential Readings: 
  1. Corey, G. (1996). Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy. California : Brooks/Cole Publishing.
  2. Kaslow, H.W. (Ed.) (2002).Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy (Vols. I  to IV). John Wiley and Sons.
  3. Nelson-Jones, R. (2001), Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy Skills 3rd Ed. London : Continuum.
  4. Corsini, R.J. (2001). Handbook of Innovative Therapy. (2nd Ed.0 N.Y.: John Willey.
  1. Beck, J.S. (1995). Cognitive Therapy : Basics and Beyond. N.Y. : The Guilford Press.
  2. Bond, F.W. and Dryden W. (Ed.) (2002) Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy. N.Y. : John Wiley and Sons.
  3. Brownell, J. (2002). Listening : Attitudes, Principles and Skills. (2nd ). Boston : Allyn and Bacon.
  4. Caballo, V.E. (Ed.) (1998). International Handbook of Cognitive and Behavioral Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Oxford : Pergammon.
  5. Corey, G. (2000). Theory and Practice Group Counselling. Australia : Brooks/Cole.
  6. McMullin, R.F, (2000). The New Handbook of Cognitive Therapy Techniques. New York : W.W. Norton and Co.
  7. Nichols, M.P. & Schwartz, R.C. (1998). Family Therapy : Concepts and Methods. (4th Ed). Boston : Allyn and Bacon.
Academic Year: